Saturday, September 24, 2011

More Malcolm Pictures

 Katie loves her baby sling!

 He likes sleeping :)


 We are such a techy family :)


Small pleasures on a walk

 An outing with Malcolm! Katie is having to get used to riding in the back seat apart from Stephen. :(

 The dairy bar!

                                                             Up close and personal with Stephen's Purple Cow :)


 Returning things can be such a pain....but thankfully, this time it wasn't :)

 The New Family

 Happy new grandparents...they are so sweet!

 Malcolm has found his thumb!

 A lot of times he is found with only one eye cute.

 Little Man

 Anna and Abby getting dessert....babies are good excuses for celebrating with yummy food ;)


 Malcolm likes different positions

 I'm thrilled to be an Auntie again!

 Dinner one evening...zucchini fries and Italian hamburgers......yum! Those hamburgers were huge, too....probably close to 1/2 pound each!

 Now that he is a little over a week old, Malcolm is becoming much more alert!

 He's also smiling more....

 We ventured out yesterday to grocery shop! We stopped for lunch at a great Mexican restaurant.


 More ice cream sundaes! What can I say...we like our sundaes!

 "Wha--??" we're a little goofy.....

 Watchin' movies

 Grandmum-mum trying to console Malcolm

 Bath time this morning!

 He's also starting to figure out the difference between days and nights....daytime is when we are awake, nighttime is when we sleep :)

 *Girl time!*....painting toenails

 Tonight Mrs. Mouring was at home alone so she joined us for dinner at Chili's!

 Thanks, Stephen and Katie, for the treat!

We are also finding that Malcolm looks charming in yellow and orange....don't you think so? :D

We love our Little Man!

The Morton Maiden


  1. Finally more pictures! I think it is funny how small Malcolm is in Mr M's arms and then how big he looks in Aunt SAM's. :)

  2. 1) I will resist the urge to make any Mac-related comments. :D

    2) That burger looks phenomenal. You got me hungry with it...

  3. Meg~
    That's funny! Hadn't noticed that :)

    1.) Ha, ha :)

    2.) Yes, it was phenomenal



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